
I got the idea for this new blog at the end of the week of New Wine, a Christian festival in Somerset, in August 2011. You might guess from my profile that, although not entirely house-bound, I don't very often get out, and it occurred to me that I might try to create a blog to encourage in our faith people like me whose lives are limited in one way or another. I'm hoping that readers will feel able to contribute their own positive ideas. I'm not sure how it will work, but here goes...!
Teach me, my God and King, in all things Thee to see...
A man that looks on glass,
On it may stay his eye,
Or, if he pleaseth, through it pass
And then the heaven espy.

George Herbert (1593-1633)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

God made him fast

Here's a fascinating account of Usain Bolt, the flawed but unashamed Christian: Diary of a WIP: The BBC and Christianity. You might not have been aware of it. I certainly wasn't.

1 comment:

Annis said...

Yes, it was notable. It was ridiculous, in fact, not to mention his faith as there had been a Radio 4 programme about it, apparently. Maybe they were hoping people would think Bolt is a ritualistic Catholic? Maybe all sports commentators are religiously "illiterate"? I did think they were over-encouraging the population to "worship" British Olympians. Even the BBC Director General thought so too....

We could all follow Bolt en masse - before meetings, before meals, before going on TV - but one word of warning to casual readers, Psalms say:

"God finds no pleasure in the legs of man but only in the righteous" (forgiven).

So you need to go to the Cross first to access grace (forgiviness) or all that "crossing" is "pointless".

I wrote a pamphlet about it yesterday which I hope to published in due course. People are so confused about "God". They think he is Father Christmas not a consuming fire.