
I got the idea for this new blog at the end of the week of New Wine, a Christian festival in Somerset, in August 2011. You might guess from my profile that, although not entirely house-bound, I don't very often get out, and it occurred to me that I might try to create a blog to encourage in our faith people like me whose lives are limited in one way or another. I'm hoping that readers will feel able to contribute their own positive ideas. I'm not sure how it will work, but here goes...!
Teach me, my God and King, in all things Thee to see...
A man that looks on glass,
On it may stay his eye,
Or, if he pleaseth, through it pass
And then the heaven espy.

George Herbert (1593-1633)

Thursday 30 May 2013

Grown-up faith

I am reading a new novel by my friend, Karen Jones, called Sister Acts. It's the second in her "Babe's Bible" trilogy. It might not be to everyone's taste! It's about gritty contemporary issues and aimed for a younger readership than me. But I'm enjoying it. Among other things it does show that Bible is still highly relevant.

This passage really struck me, where a bishop is seeking counsel from his spiritual director, a nun.
"'Teach me how to take these thoughts captive, Sister,' he pleaded.
"'You must take each one to the cross in prayer. You must see yourself come to the cross, bringing each weakness, each longing, each unmet need. See yourself rise up and take your place on the cross with him. Let the nails be driven into your flesh with him. Die with him there, and then be laid in a tomb with him. Then, and only by his leading, rise with him and live by his Spirit the new life he gives you,' her face shone as she spoke."

Taking one's thoughts captive sounds easy. Oh yes, I can control my mind! The reality is much harsher. It's a matter of grim will, assisted by the Holy Spirit.


Anonymous said...

“I don't very often get out, and it occurred to me that I might try to create a blog to encourage in our faith people like me whose lives are limited in one way or another”
I was just rereading your introduction to your blog Michael. You say people like you whose lives are limited in one way or another but I must tell you, that is not how it comes across to others. Your life may be limited in many physical ways, but it is unlimited in the generous support you offer to others through this blog.
Though perhaps not as physically limited, there are none amongst us who are not limited in many ways. Spiritually I would deem myself a dwarf against your deep and giant courage.
“Taking one's thoughts captive sounds easy. Oh yes, I can control my mind! The reality is much harsher. It's a matter of grim will, assisted by the Holy Spirit.”
How very true this is for us all whose lives are limited and, in my case, who frequently fail to exercise grim will.
“Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.”

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Michael Wenham said...

I don't think we're meant to compare ourselves, Leafy!

But I do LOVE that quote Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Isn't great? Thank you for introducing me to it.